Awareness is the beginning of caring for our world, the impetus for change
The climate crisis is not a problem to put off for the future. Every year, we consume much more environmental resources than nature is able to rebuild. Only universal care for the environment is a guarantee that Poland’s development will be sustainable. Nature is our treasure and its diversity gives us a guarantee of health and development. Green transformation needs continuous and effective education and practical action. That is why we have established the Business for Climate Foundation whose overriding aim is to integrate the world of business, science and all the enthusiasts who, just like us, believe that without real actions here and now we will not stop climate change and the price of our omissions will be paid by future generations.
Business shares responsibility for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Considering environmental issues in every aspect of its activity, it must contribute to limiting and eliminating activities that harm the environment, i.e. reduce the so-called environmental footprint.
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela said. Working together with other organizations, responsible business and experts, we are co-creating a platform to exchange knowledge and experience, to implement sustainable solutions and good practices in the broad area of climate protection. We believe that the cooperation of various communities and public education is the key to introducing real changes that will effectively prevent the climate crisis.
It is time to act – here and now…
We have included our demands and goals in the 2019 Climate Manifesto “All in Your Hands” published in 2019. It is a document with practical guidelines for action to stop climate change and environmental degradation. It is the result of collaboration between experts in water, clean air and waste management. We are building an engaged community around the Manifesto by creating educational content and sharing best practices. We have also launched the Map of Retention initiative, through which we want to show how important rainwater retention is – we encourage you to join the map and present your solutions in this area.
Every action, even the smallest one, for the benefit of climate matters! If you think so, if your business is already working to protect the environment or you intend to take the necessary steps in this direction – join us and sign the Business Declaration for Adaptation to Climate Change.
Do you have other ideas? Would you like to discuss with us what we can do together for the climate?
Write to us: fundacja@biznesdlaklimatu.pl.
# Business for Climate Foundationare practitioners, scientists and experts – people with passion and energy for action

Sylwia Molewska

Agnieszka Orłowska
Project Manager Baltic Nuclear Energy Forum
Marketing Foundation

Olga Długokęcka
Project Coordinator of Podcast Biznes dla Klimatu and Blog

Wojciech Falkowski
Foundation Council

Radomir Matczak
Foundation Council

Jacek Zalewski
Foundation Council