Specialization: designing sanitary infrastructure, rainwater management
A graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, and the Technical University in Kaiserslautern (TU Kaiserslautern, Germany), Faculty of Architecture, Spatial Planning and Construction. She earned her PhD in technical sciences in 2007 as a fellow of the Daimler-Benz foundation at TU Kaiserslautern on the basis of the doctoral dissertation entitled: “Study of the Load-Bearing Capacity of Soil Substrates Used in Advanced Treatment of Combined Sewage in Retention Soil Filters”.
She has a long-term practice in issues related to the design of sanitary infrastructure in urban areas: sewage disposal and treatment, rainwater management, analysis and hydraulic monitoring of drainage systems. She is an author of many scientific and popular science publications.
Fascinated by the possibilities of using GIS in analyses related to flood protection and urban hydrology. She has completed UNIGIS postgraduate studies at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management – Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
She is using and constantly developing the acquired skills and knowledge through managing the modelling department at RETENCJAPL.
Contact: renata.wozniak[at]retencja.pl